Property Boundaries and Geofences

In Cappsure, everything revolves around recurring or responsive services on a property. By empowering individuals, regardless  of English or digital literacy, to easily report from the property, data from the field can easily and quickly flow into Cappsure. Much of this easy facilitation is possible because Cappsure reports are done directly on a GPS map of […]

Work Order Management Challenges

When I began the process of developing Cappsure, the idea was to create a tool that could be used to simply and accurately create proposals from the field. I knew that my crew leaders and foremen in the field had the ability to contribute so much more to our team if only they had a […]

A Blessing and a Curse – Tracking Irrigation Parts

Landscape Business Management Software by Mike Martinez

Tracking parts the parts that your field crew are using is a challenging task. Tracking small, low cost irrigation parts during the busiest time of the year can sometimes feel downright impossible. Beyond the logistics, it can be difficult to get your team to understand the importance of tracking parts that they know only cost […]

Why I Embraced a Better Maintenance Reporting Process

Many of us entered the landscaping industry thinking we were starting a landscape business, not necessarily a service business. As our businesses grew, and we had the opportunity to acquire more accounts, many of us realized that “through service we grow”. As time has gone by I have come to believe this even more. What […]

Empowering Your Field Team With Technology

Landscape Management Software Team

Many mobile Apps that are created for service companies are based on a per user fee. These fees, of $50 or more per user per month typically, create one thought in the mind of the company owner,What employees are we going to limit this to?‚ amazing but the upfront cost of the per user model […]