Empowering Your Field Team With Technology

Many mobile Apps that are created for service companies are based on a per user fee. These fees, of $50 or more per user per month typically, create one thought in the mind of the company owner,What employees are we going to limit this to?‚ amazing but the upfront cost of the per user model […]
Introducing Technology to ESL Employees

The premise of using field based technologies is to add efficiency, solve problems in the field where they happen and communicate internally and externally as quickly as possible. Information from the field, and being able to respond quickly, is integral to our success as landscapers. Sadly, many companies do not believe that their field employees are capable of using […]
Why My Techs Create Their Own Proposals

Until very recently, on a typical day my Irrigation Techs would get a call from a Maintenance Crew in the field, explaining that a valve was broken. The Techs would then get in their vehicle and spend on average 20 minutes of‚ windshield time‚ to go out and investigate the issue. They would check the […]